Friday, August 05, 2005


will leave for leh in 2 days. cant keep my feet on the ground. its never been liek this for a long long time. i feel as if there is going to be a spectacular experience awaiting me in leh. one that will chagne my life forever. prabhu kept saying that i will find my calling in the himalayas. maybe i would, maybe i wont but it sure is going to be fun. nature has always tempted me. it is not as if i feel that only nature can create beauty, man is nature's most beautiful creature and hence his creations are also as much of nature as man is. but mountains .. hmm.. they are of a different class. no two of them look alike, they are gigantic when compared to us but are still eroded by small streams some of them that dont even flow througout the season. mountains stay on, men come and go. listen closely and they will say: " we are watching. guns boom, emotions run high but we will keep watching. and its quite a solo watch. we are the guardians, we are aging but still hold the keys t0 the gateways that you seek." i have not even got anywhere close to the mountains but i think i understand what gives the mountain climbers the kicks. mountains represent that ultimate conquest, nature's monoliths, its your ultimate triumph to be able to carve out a path over or around them. the power of the human mind unleased. i think this will be the first of many trips of mine, k2 , hindukush and so on. the valleys will give you the feeling of open space, but all my life i have been in awe of mountains, lets see how it will turn out this time around. leh!!! here i come.
expected route:
6 4 pm intercity to delhi
7 delhi
7th night jammu
8 th evening to srinagar . bus
sringar-kargil-dras-leh. taxi
return via manali
16th campus.

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