Tuesday, November 22, 2005


an IIM grad was killed on duty in one of the districts of UP. Does this make any difference to the scores fo people who go about their jobs daily? As one of the blogs mention, does this story even warratn a mention? It is the same old problem It is not just enough fro an individual to be efficient, it required the entire system to be efficient. The problem wiht our generaiton, the so caleld free market generation is that we beleive that everything will eb taken care of the free markets. Truth is, there is no such thing as a free market. If you dont take pro active steps to change the soceity of which you are a part of, dont be surprised if you or someone close to you faces unpleasant situations. In what ever context Friedman said the truth is
" There aint no such thign as a free lunch"

There is an interesting turn to the whole sequence of events and that is the media coverage that has been given to the event. Now in a geographically diverse country like ours what the media covers would give the normal audience a chance to understand what goes on in the wider world. But then again, the mass media of English dominated dailies targets only the SEC A and SEC B segments. Now these segmetns are either so busy in their work or so cynical or both, they do not care. The regional language dailies could carry such news bulletins but for them agricultural and grass-root level issues are much more important because they represnet the sustenance for them.

For the rest of us who care about what happens, the best we could do is pray for the souls of those who give their life for this nation. A thankless job, but that makes them the true patriots that they are.

that is that

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